This in turn reduces the learning curve associated with developing SOA applications, reduces costs, and enables faster delivery of business applications. 同时这又减少了开发SOA应用程序的学习曲线、减少了成本,及加快了商业应用程序交付。
Shen said the drug that his team is developing can greatly lower treatment costs. 沈炳辉还指出他们研究小组正在研发的药能够在大大地降低治疗费。
These are continued high demand from China and other developing countries, constrained supplies and higher marginal costs. 其中包括来自中国和其它发展中国家需求继续保持强劲、供应受限以及边际成本上升等因素。
Alibaba said China-based developers offered lower developing costs and would make smartphones more affordable in China. 阿里巴巴集团表示,国内开发人员的开发成本较低,这将使中国市场上的智能手机价格变得更便宜。
The only way to avoid huge initial outlay developing a drug in the US costs about$ 900 million is to market the drugs as dietary supplements. 在美国,开发一种药物的初期投入大约在9亿美元。避免这种初期巨额费用的唯一办法是以辅助食疗的方式进行市场开发,这样就可以不必进行临床试验。
As compared with auto-developing machine conveying film by roller in China, this new type of auto-developing machine works fast, produces high quality after developing, saves material and costs less. 该机同国内的滚式(辊轴)输送洗片机相比输送速度快、洗片质量好、节省材料、造价低。
The way forward is a framework that compensates developing countries for the costs they bear, but also encourages the most efficient possible use of energy resources. 下一步是达成一个框架,不仅要对发展中国家承担的成本进行补偿,还要鼓励尽可能高效率地利用能源资源。
Cost Estimating-developing an approximation ( estimate) of the costs of the resources needed to complete project activities. 费用估算-制完成项目工序所必须的资源费用的估计。
Where financial institutions can securitize remittance deposits, they can expand access to capital in developing countries and lower borrowing costs. 如果金融机构能够以汇款储蓄做担保,就可以扩大对发展中国家资本的利用,降低借贷成本。
He says developing and developed countries need to share costs, and developing countries could offer incentives like market shares so that developed countries would be more willing to help. 他说,发展中国家和发达国家需要分担成本,发展中国家需要提供一些激励政策,比如市场份额,那样发达国家会更愿意帮忙。
China is a developing country with low labour costs, but suffers from capital constraint and relatively under-developed scientific and technological development. 中国是发展中国家,劳动成本低,但资金短缺,科技相对落后。
These various measures of transaction costs are analysed with the aim of developing strategies to minimise future execution costs. 对交易成本的多种衡量将同发展战略目标一起分析,以将未来的执行成本降至最小。
In this connection, ministers note the role of the world bank and the IMF in supporting adjustment to trade liberalization, including support to net food-importing developing countries facing short-term costs arising from agricultural trade reforms. 在这方面,部长们注意到世界银行和国际货币基金组织在支持贸易自由化调整过程中的作用,包括对面临农产品贸易改革所产生的短期成本的粮食净进口发展中国家的支持。
He argues that support for REDD is based on flimsy evidence and that we know little about costs for developing countries ( see What are the real costs of reducing forest emissions?). 他认为对REDD的支持是建立在不可靠的证据之上的,而我们对于发展中国家开展它的成本知之甚少(见减少森林排放的真实成本是多少?)
Investor confidence on growth in advanced economies contrasted with turmoil in the developing world, where borrowing costs rose to the highest since October 2011 on worries that the tapering of US monetary stimulus would exacerbate sluggish economic growth. 投资者对发达经济体增长的信心与发展中国家的动荡形成了对比,后者的借贷成本已经上涨到2011年10月以来的最高水平,原因是担忧美国缩减货币刺激会让本已乏力的经济增长放慢。
Developing advertising whilst keeping costs down would appear to lead to this route as opposed to available interactive software options that require plug-ins or have major compatibility problems. 对于现有的需要插件或存在兼容问题的交互式软件选项,开发广告并降低成本是其解决方案的核心。
The policies recall those followed for several decades by many developing country governments, which controlled food costs to protect themselves from urban unrest. 现在的政策让人想起很多发展中国家曾奉行数十年的老政策:食品价格进行控制,以避免城镇地区的不安定危及政权。
Besides, they should also transfer environmentally friendly technologies to the developing nations at low costs, if not for free, to help the latter adapt to and fight against climate change. 除此之外,他们应该以低成本向发展中国家传输环保技术,甚至免费,以帮助后者使自己适用于对抗环境的变化。
At the same time it can improve the quality of forming-product, can short the time of studying and developing die and can reduce the production costs. 还可以借助实验结果对冲压工艺参数和模具结构进行优化,以达到提高冲压件质量、缩短开发周期、降低生产成本等的目的。
Human capital theory is often used in comparative education study to explain why both developed country and developing country invest in education at all costs. 在比较教育研究中人力资本理论多被用来解释发达国家和发展中国家为何都不惜成本地向教育事业投资的现象。
This paper introduces the concept and application of middleware technology. The practices proved that the technology could implement resource sharing and high efficiency and reliable data transmissions, provide network communication and reduce the second developing costs. 介绍了中间件技术的概念以及应用情况,实践证明他能为不同技术之间资源共享、数据传输的高效、可靠提供互连的网络通信功能,减少了二次开发费用。
This method was desirable to deal with the complexity of embedded software, supported the concurrent development and reuse of components, so it would get a system developing quickly and kept costs down. 该方法充分考虑了嵌入式开发的特点,能有效地降低系统复杂性和支持系统组件的并发开发和复用,从而提高了开发效率并降低了开发成本。
Meanwhile, this paper supplies methods and applying experience for application of finite element in the process of new products development, and supplied effective methods for shortening the period for developing new products, reducing development costs and improving products quality. 同时,本文的研究为有限元技术在新产品开发中的应用提供了方法及使用经验,为缩短新产品开发周期、减少开发费用和提高研制质量提供了有效方法。
In an increasingly competitive market, BMCC will be adapted by studying and developing, reducing material costs by commodity flow management and strengthening the company's strategy and management implementation. 在未来更加激烈的竞争中,BMCC将依靠研发对应市场,依靠物流管理来降低材料成本,依靠管理提升公司的竞争实力。
According to the example of applying dynamic simulation software ADAMS in optimizing design of latch virtual prototyping, in the paper, concludes that virtual prototyping technique can reduce developing period and costs and increase designing efficiency and reliability. 以应用动力学仿真软件ADAMS建造卡钳虚拟样机优化设计的实例,说明虚拟样机技术可以缩短开发周期、降低成本,提高设计质量和可靠性。
Developing Models for Vehicle Depreciation& Interest Costs Estimation 我国汽车折旧、利息及管理费用预测模型研究
Subject to high labor costs, enterprises in developed countries outsource part of its software business to India, China and other developing countries which have relatively low labor costs. 由于人力成本居高不下,发达国家的企业开始将自己的一部分软件业务外包给印度,中国等人力成本相对较低的发展中国家。
As in most developing countries, short term costs tend to carry more weight in decision-making than uncertain future costs. 而且在大多数发展中国家,短期成本往往比不确定的未来成本的决策更具有分量。
Additionally, the pattern of our national economy growth started to change from extensive form to reduced form, and the social responsibility of enterprises in economizing the resource and protecting the environment became bigger, and the developing costs would has further increase. 加之我国国民经济增长方式由粗放型向集约型转变,企业在节约资源和环境保护方面的社会责任加大,发展成本将会进一步提高。
With the fast development of Web applications, developers have the willing to improve developing efficiency and reduce developing costs, so that in the practical web application developing procedure the technology of software reuse has been widely used. 随着Web开发的迅速发展,开发者为了使开发效率提高、为了使软件开发成本得到减少,在各种Web应用的实际开发过程中,软件复用的技术得到了广泛的应用。